
1 SPLITTING OF MOON (Shaq ul Qamar).
The miracle of the splitting of the moon was demonstrated by the PROPHET MUHAMMED On 14Th Zilhajj, year 5 Before Hijrat, Before a certain gathering who persisted in denial of Muhammad’s Prophethood. As was related by ‘Adbullah ibn Mas‘ud, while they were in Mina’ one night, the Prophet split the moon into two by a gesture of his index finger. The halves of the moon appeared one behind the mountain and the other in front of it. Then, the Prophet turned to us and said: ‘Be witnesses.
Imam Al-Sadiq (as) told this story: the holy prophet (PBUH) was sitting with a group of people. they told him (PBUH) that every prophet has a miracle and saked him to come up with one. then, he (PBUH) asked them to choose what they want. they told him (PBUH) to have a high position with Allah. he (PBUH) prayed for Allah and Allah told him through Gabriel (as) that everything is under his (PBHU) control. the prophet ordered the moon to be divided into two pieces and, thus it does. then, the prophet (PBUH) prostrated thanking Allah .
Hazrat Amina stayed pregnant for 9 months. During this time she never feel any problem like pregnant women feels. His(SAW) father already died. Angels said "Ya Allah! your Prophet will be born an orphan". Allah said "I will be his Savior and helper". Every one (angels) get blessings by his birth. Doors of heavens and skies were open.
Hazrat Amina says "After 6 months of pregnancy, a person came in dream. He touched with his foot and said "Oh Amina! you are conceiving the most respectful person of the universe. When he will be born, name him Mohammad(SAW)."
Then she says, "when the time of birth came near i heard a voice which make me frightant, no one was near me. Then i saw some one rubbed a white feather like thing to me and because of that all the fear was gone. I was feeling thirsty, at that time i was offered a juice, white like milk which i drink, and because of it every thing was lightening. Then i saw tall women who
gathered me. They were looking the daughters of the trip Abd Manaf. I was surprise because of there strange incidents. Then i saw silky dress between earth and sky and some one said "Take the kid and hide him from people". Then i saw some people who were standing in air carrying silver bottles. Birds gathered my house. There peeks were of Zabarjad and wings were of diamonds. Allah took all the curtains away from my eyes. I saw east and west and i saw 3 flags. 1 in east, 1 in west and 1 was placed on the roof of Qabba. When the matter of giving birth was complete, i saw that unique child. He was in Sajda (Prostration) and his finger was raised up. like some one is praying with full concentration. Then i saw a white cloud came down and hide the baby, he was out of my sight. I heard some one saying "Take Muhammad(SAW) to east and west, and take him to seas also, so that every thing will recognize his name and personality, and also that he(SAW) is a destroyer too, and will destroy all the SHIRK.
Then he(SAW) appeared in front of my eyes. He(SAW) was wearing a white dress at that time and under him was green silk. He(SAW) was holding 3 keys made of pearls in his hands and some one was saying Mohammad(SAW) has captured the keys of prophet ism, success and airs.
Then another cloud appeared and voice of horses and birds were coming out of it. That cloud also hided him(SAW), and went out of my sight again. I hears some one saying "Take Mohammad(SAW) to east and west and the places of prophets. And introduce Genie, animals, birds and every type of spiritual creatures to him. and give him properties of Hazrat Adam, .....tears of Hazrat Nouh,....friendship of Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismael's tongue, Hazrat Yakoob's good news,Hazrat Yousuf's beauty, Hazrat Dawud's voice, Hazrat Ayoob's patience, Hazrat Yahya's piousy, Hazrat Esa's generosity and characteristics of prophets.
He(SAW) again appeared in front of my eyes. This time a green silky peace of cloth was in his hand. Some one said "congratulations! Mohammad(SAW) has captured whole world and all creatures are under his control. Then i saw 3 people. one was holding a silver bottle and other was holding white silk which he oppend and took a stamp out of it. It was too shiny that one feels blind. It was washed 7 times with the water of that bottle and then marked it between the shoulders of Rasool Allah(SAW) and then put it in silk cloth again. Then he(angel) hide him between his wings for some time and then give him(SAW) to me"
(Al Khasis ul Qubra, 1:47-48)

3 Food Multiplication
Narrated Jabir:

My father had died in debt. So I came to the Prophet and said, "My father (died) leaving unpaid debts, and I have nothing except the yield of his date palms; and their yield for many years will not cover his debts. So please come with me, so that the creditors may not misbehave with me." The Prophet went round one of the heaps of dates and invoked (Allah), and then did the same with another heap and sat on it and said, "Measure (for them)." He paid them their rights and what remained was as much as had been paid to them.

Volume 4, Book 56, Number 780
One of the greatest miracles of the Prophet is the miracle of Night Journey (Isra) and Ascension (Miraj), which is mentioned and narrated by the Quran, authentic hadith resources and history resources. First, we will explain how the miracle of Night Journey and Ascension took place quoting from the verses of the Quran, hadiths and narrations from authentic resources; then, we will give answers to the questions that can come to the mind regarding the issue.
Lexically isra means walking at night, traveling at night [1], miraj means rising, going up to a high place.[2] The events of Night Journey and Ascension took place on the twelfth year [3] of the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) in Makkah. [4]
The event took place as follows in brief: On the 27th night of the month of Rajab [5], acting upon the call from God Almighty and guided by Gabriel (Jibril), the Prophet (pbuh) went from the Kaaba in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and then to the sky, to the high realms and to the presence of God.
It is stated in the chapters of al-Isra and an-Najm in the Quran how the miracle of Night Journey and Ascension took place. The verses regarding the issue are as follows:

“Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant for Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose precincts We did bless― in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the one Who heareth and seeth (all things).” [6]
“While he was in the highest part of the horizon: Then he approached and came closer, And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer; So did (Allah) convey the inspiration to His Servant (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey. The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way falsified that which he saw. Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw? For indeed he saw him at a second descent. Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass: Near it is the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see of the Signs of his Lord the Greatest!.” [7]

How did the Ascension take place?
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) went fromthe Kaaba (Makkah) to Masjid al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) on a Paradise animal similar to a horse called Buraq.[8] Before he reached Jerusalem, he stopped by the place of Hazrat Moses (pbuh) and performed a two-rak’ah prayer there;[9]then, he reached Masjid al-Aqsa.[10] There, he was met by a group of prophets among which there were Jesus (Isa), Moses (Musa) and Abraham (Ibrahim).[11] Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) led the other prophets in a prayer of two-rak’ahs.[12]
After that, the Prophet (pbuh) was brought two bowls; one of them had wine and the other had milk.[13] He was told, “Have either of them!"[14] The Prophet (pbuh) chose the milk.[15] Jibril said to the Prophet (pbuh), "You chose the natural one [16]; if you had chosen the wine, your ummah would have gone astray after you. [17] You were led to the natural state by choosing the milk; your ummah was led to the natural state, too. Wine was rendered haram for you!” [18]
He stopped by all of the layers of the sky.[19] He met the prophets Adam, Yahya (John), Isa, Yusuf, Idris (Enoch), Harun (Aaron) Musa and Ibrahim (peace be upon them all) respectively; they said to him, “Welcome!” and congratulated him. [20] Then, he visited Bayt al-Mamur (the much frequented house), which seventy thousand angels visited every day. [21]
After that, he went to Sidra al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Extremity) together with Jibril.[22] Sidra al-Muntaha is a tree whose root is in the sixth layer of the sky and whose branches are over the seventh layer of the sky; it casts a shadow that covers the whole sky and Paradise; its leaves are like elephant ears and its fruits are like large jars.[23]
 Rafraf and the Meeting in the Furthermost Place
Jibril took the Prophet to higher places; eventually, he took the Prophet to such a high place that the Prophet started to hear the pens writing people’s actions.[24] The Prophet (pbuh) saw that a very green Rafraf (silk bed) covered the horizon. The Prophet (pbuh) sat on Rafraf.[25] Jibril left the Prophet there. The Prophet was elevated and approached to his Lord, who is Aziz (Mighty and Strong) and Jabbar (Compelling).[26]
The Prophet started to hear the order of his Lord, "Do not be afraid, O Muhammad; approach!" In the end, he reached the place that nobody had reached before, attaining divine acceptance, grants and bounties.[27] According to the narration of Ibn Abbas, the Prophet said, "I saw my sublime Lord!"[28]
In Miraj, the Prophet (pbuh) gave the worshipping of all creatures to God Almighty as a gift instead of greetings. The talk of the Prophet (pbuh) with God Almighty consists of the words of tahiyyat, which is recited during prayer, which is the ascension of believers. Here is the meaning of that talk:  
The Prophet (pbuh) said to God Almighty,
“All kinds of greetings, prayers and goodness belong to Allah.”[29]Its meaning is “I present all of the greetings and glorification of the beings with their states and tongues, all of the natural blessedness and glorification of all blessed things like seeds and semen, all of the worshipping of conscious beings like human beings, all of the worshipping and glorification of all prophets and saints to you as a gift; they all belong to you.”
Upon this greeting, God Almighty said to His Prophet (pbuh), “Peace, the mercy of Allah and His blessings be on you, O Prophet!” Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,“Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of Allah.” Jibril witnessed this talk at Sidra al-Muntaha when Allah ordered him to be a witness by saying, “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.”[30]
It is sunnah to recite those words that were uttered during the conversation in Ascension in prayer, which is regarded as the ascension of believers. Thus, all believers have the opportunity of presenting all of the worshipping of the unconscious and conscious beings to Allah within their own worshipping.  
 Things that were Given to the Prophet in Ascension
The Prophet (pbuh) was given three things as a result of the encounter in Miraj:
1. Five daily prayers equal to the reward of fifty daily prayers.
2.The last two verses of the chapter al-Baqara.
3.The muqhimat (major sins) of the people from the ummah of Muhammad were forgiven except those who associated partners with Allah.[31]
As a matter of fact,, those gifts were expressed as follows in a hadith: “…Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) were given three things in Ascension: He was given five daily prayers, the last part of the chapter of al-Baqara (Amanarrasulu) and the promise that the sins ofthe people from the ummah of Muhammad would be forgiven except those who died associating partners with Allah.” (see Muslim, Iman, 279)
This glad tiding does not mean that no believers will enter Hell. It states that any sin can be forgiven and that a believer will not stay in Hell forever even if he is a sinner.
The believers who have more rewards than sins will go to Paradise directly. Those who have more sins will remain in Hell for a certain period so that they will be purified of their sins; and then they will go to Paradise.
Allah stated:
"O Muhammad! These prayers need to be performed five times a day. However, there are ten rewards for each prayer! It means fifty prayers. [32]
I utter a word once; I will not change it! [33]
A person who intends to do a good deed but does not do it is given one reward due to his good intention; if he does it, he is given ten rewards.
No sin is written for a person who intends to do a bad deed but does not do it; if he does it, one sin is written for him". [34]
The following is stated in the last two verses of the chapter of al-Baqara:

The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith.
 Each one (of them) believeth in Allah,
 His angels,
 His books,
and His Messengers
 "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His Messengers."
And they say: "We hear and we obey;
(We seek) Thy forgiveness,
Our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys."
On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear.
It gets every good that it earns
and it suffers every ill that it earns.
(Pray): "Our Lord! condemn us not if we forget or fall into error;
our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us;
Our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear.
Blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness.
Have mercy on us.
Thou art our Protector;
help us against those who stand against faith!" [35]

Muqhimat means major and dangerous sins that lead man to Hell. [36]
Once, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
"Beware seven things that lead man to destruction!"
"O Messenger of Allah! What are those dangerous things?" asked his Companions.
The Prophet said,
“To associate partners with Allah,
To cast a spell,
To kill a person unjustly, which was forbidden by Allah,
To devour interest (usury),
To devour the money of the orphans,
To escape from the battlefield,
To slander Muslim women who are chaste and never think of committing fornication that they have committed fornication!" [37]

Paradise is Shown to the Prophet (pbuh)
After Allah revealed to the Prophet what He was to reveal, the Prophet (pbuh) was taken to Paradise by Jibril. [38]
The width of Paradise is as much as the sky and what is under it. [39] The Prophet (pbuh) saw villas made of pearl, ruby and chrysolite [40]; he noticed that the soil of Paradise smelled musky. [41] The Prophet (pbuh) also saw a river next to which there were domes made of hollow pearls [42]; it was flowing on pearl and ruby stones and on musk. [43]
The Prophet (pbuh) asked, "O Jibril! What is this?" Jibril said, "It is the river Kawthar, which Allah gave you!" The water of the river Kawthar was tastier than honey and whiter than milk.[44]

Hell is shown to the Prophet (pbuh)
Among the smiling angels that met the Prophet (pbuh) in the sky of the world, there was an angel called Malik, angel of Hell, who never smiled.
When the Prophet asked Jibril who he was and found out about his identity, he said to Jibril,
"Will you order him to show me Hell?"
Jibril said,
"All right!" He said to Malik,"OMalik! Show Hell to Muhammad (pbuh)!"
When Malik unveiled the covering of Hell, it started to boil so much that the Prophet (pbuh) thought it would capture and burn everything. He said to Jibril,
"O Jibril! Order Malik to return it to its previous state!"
Jibril ordered Malik to return it to its previous state. He said to Hell,
"Calm down!"
When Hell returned to its place, Malik veiled its covering again.[45]
The Prophet saw the tortures of thirst, chains of torture, torture snakes and scorpions and some other tortures.[46]
The Prophet (pbuh) stated the following in a hadith:
"If you knew what I know, you would laugh a little and cry a lot."[47]

4 The Stones that welcome the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
It is established through a sound narration from ‘Ali, Jabir, and ‘A’isha al-Siddiqa:
“Rocks and mountains would say to God’s Messenger (PBUH), ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’”
In ‘Ali’s chain of narration, it says:
“Whenever we went around in the environs of Makkah in the early of days of his prophethood, the trees and rocks we encountered would declare: ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’” (4)
While in his chain of transmission, Jabir says:
“Whenever the Noble Messenger came across rocks and trees, they would prostrate before him, that is, demonstrating obedience to him, they would declare: ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’” (5)
In one of Jabir’s narrations, the Messenger said: “I know a rock that salutes me.” (6)Some said that he intended the Black Stone of the Ka‘ba.
In her line of transmission, ‘A’isha said: “God’s Messenger said: ‘When Gabriel brought me the message, I would never pass by a rock or a tree without it saying, ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’”(7)

5 The Stones that glorify in his palm
This is being narrated from accurate books of Hadith. “Anas, the Prophet’s servant, said:“We were together with God’s Messenger (PBUH) when he took up a handful of small stones and they began to praise God in his blessed palm. Then, he put them in Abu Bakr the Veracious’s hand and again they glorified God.” (2) In his line of transmission, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari says: “Then, he put them into ‘Umar’s hand, and again they glorified God. Then, he took them and put them on the ground, and they were silent. Then, he again took them, and put them in ‘Uthman’s hand, where again they began to glorify God.” Abu Dharr and Anas relate: “He put them in our hands and they were silent.” (3)

6 The Falling of Idols
It is reported through an authentic narration from Ibn ‘Abbas, (17) known as ‘the Scholar of the Muslim Community’ and ‘Interpreter of the Qur’an,’ and Ibn Mas‘ud, the servant of the Prophet and one of the great scholars of the Companions, (18) that they said:
“On the conquest of Makkah, there were three hundred and sixty idols around the Ka‘ba, fixed with lead to the stone. That day, the Noble Prophet (PBUH) pointed to each of the idols in turn with a stick he was holding curved like a bow, saying, “The Truth has arrived and falsehood has perished; indeed, falsehood is ever bound to perish.” (19)Whichever one he pointed to, it fell down. If he pointed to the face of the idol, it fell backwards; otherwise, it fell on its face. Thus, they all toppled over and fell to the ground.(20)

7 Two Healing Miracles in the battle of Khaybar
The authentic books of Hadith, and foremost Bukhari and Muslim, report that:
The Noble Prophet (pbuh) had appointed ‘Ali al-Haydari as standard-bearer during the Battle of Khaybar, but his eyes were aching severely due to illness. The moment the Noble Messenger applied his healing spittle to his eyes, they were cured, with no trace of the discomfort remaining. (4) The following morning, ‘Ali conquered the citadel of Khaybar by removing its extremely heavy gate and using it in his hand as a shield.
During the same battle, Salama b. al-Aqwa’s leg was struck and split open by a sword; God’s Messenger breathed onto it, and the leg was at once healed.

8 The prayer of Healing for Hazrat Ali
The scholars of Hadith, and foremost Imam Bayhaqi, relate: “‘Ali was very ill. In his distress, he was moaning and praying for himself. The Noble Messenger (pbuh) came and said: ‘O God! Grant him healing,’ and touched ‘Ali with his foot. He told him to stand, and ‘Ali was at once cured. He stated: ‘I never again suffered from that illness.’” (14)

(Contributed By: Hafsa Misbah)

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