Islam - Five Basic Beliefs in Islam
Islam is an Arabic word which means guidance and peace. It is a religion which preaches peace and harmony, not only for its followers, but for the humanity. The people who are righteous and pious in the eyes of God follow Islam and these followers are called Muslims.
The message of Islam is not new. It is the same message which was conveyed to the people by other Prophets. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and his son Hazrat Ismael (A.S) conveyed the message of oneness of Allah to the people of their nation, and then it was conveyed by Hazrat Moosa (A.S), Eesa (A.S) and all the other prophets of Allah. Their people were bestowed Holy books by Allah for guidance but they made fun of the prophets and the books. They believed and worshiped the creations of Allah such as the sun, the moon, fire etc, and the false gods made of wood and clay. Allah led those people through hardships; they were not able to face His torments and were destroyed.
When the humanity was about to destroy itself by wrong deeds, Allah sent his last Prophet, Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) to guide the people of Arab by spreading a new religion; Islam. The Holy Prophet had to face severe difficulties and hardships to bring people towards Islam and hospitality. The people used to kill others for water; they used to bury their newborn daughters alive. Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) guided the people through his sayings (Hadith) and the Holy Quran. Allah says in the Qur’ân:
"Say, `We believe in ALLAH and that which has been revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and in that which was given to Moses and Jesus and other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and to HIM we submit." (Qur’ân 3-85)
There are six articles of faith in Islam:
1. Have belief in the oneness of Allah
2. Have belief in Angels
3. Have belief on Allah’s four books
4. Have belief on His prophets
6. Have belief in Allah’s superiority
A person has to apply and follow the five pillars of Islam sincerely to be called a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:
“Islam is based on the following five pillars (principles).”
1. To have faith there is no God other than Allah and the Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) is His last prophet. (Based on the first Kalima)
3. Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
5. Performing Hajj at the Holy Kaaba.
Among the four Holy books of Allah, the Holy Quran is His last book which was bestowed upon His beloved Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). The message of Allah was sent to him by Hazrat Jibrael (A.S), the angel of Allah and these messages were memorized by the followers of the Prophet and were compiled later by one of his companions Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A). These verses were given the name of the Quran, through which Muslims find the solutions to their questions about any aspect of their lives.
The holy Quran is written in the Arabic language. It is translated in many languages around the world. The Holy books, which were bestowed on the other prophets of Allah, have now lost their originality, as the people of that era used to make changes in them, but, even after 1400 years, the Holy Quran is still in its original condition. No one can change it nor regret it, because Allah has taken the responsibility of its protection. The Holy books which were bestowed upon the other prophets were only for their own nations and people who followed them, but the Holy Quran is the book through which not only a Muslim, but every person in this world of any nation and language can take guidance.
The present situation of the Muslims around the world is due to their unfamiliarity with their Holy book. They have turned a deaf ear to it. It is stated in the Holy Quran:
“And how will you disbelieve (now) while you are (fortunate) ones to whom the Verses of Allah are recited, and the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) is (himself) present among you? And whoever holds fast to (the Embrace of) Allah is most surely guided to the straight path.”
(Sura A’l-Imran 3, verse # 101)
(Sura A’l-Imran 3, verse # 101)
It is very important in the present era that we try to give some time to read and understand our Holy book, so that we can teach our next generations about it.
“And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy for direction and guidance, but is there anyone who will take advice?”
(Sura Al-Qamar 54, verse # 17)
(Sura Al-Qamar 54, verse # 17)
The most incredible thing about it is that if the enemies of Muslims try to burn every single Quran from this world, then, still it will remain in this world in the hearts of those who have memorized it.
Islam is the religion of peace and justice. Equal punishment and equal rewards are given to those who deserve it. People strive hard to get justice in this world and same is the mission of Allah; justice and equality for everyone. On the Day of Judgment, everyone will receive the fruit of his deeds which he has done in this world. Allah says in the Holy Quran:
“And every soul shall be paid in full what it had done; and He knows best what they do.”
Allah has stated several times in the Holy Quran that every being of this world will die. They will be then buried and raised again on the Day of Judgment, on which, they will be rewarded by their creator for their good and bad deeds. On hearing the sound of a trumpet (Sur), all the people of the world will rise from their graves and wake up from their eternal sleep.
“And the Trumpet shall be blown, then shall swoon (i.e., die) whoever is in heavens and whoever is in the earth, except those whom Allah has willed (to keep alive on that occasion). Then (the Trumpet) shall be blown again and lo! They shall stand up awaiting.”
The caliphs were the people who were given the right to rule and lead the Muslims after the death of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). They had played a very important role in the spread of Islam. They faced extreme hardships for the sake of Allah and their religion; Islam and are promised to be rewarded by Allah for their deeds.
The four main Caliphs of Islam were very close companions of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). After his death, his best friend and the first adult in males to embrace Islam Hazrat Abu Bakra Siddique (R.A) was made the first Caliph. He governed for two years. After his death Hazrat Umar (R.A) was made the second Caliph of Islam.
He remained the Caliph of Islam for a decade. Islam spread the most throughout the world in his rule. His governed over many areas such as Syria, Egypt and the Persian Empire too. He was the first Muslim ruler to establish a public treasury and also a financial administration. Many Islamic practices were established in his rule.
Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) was made the third Caliph of Islam. The world of Islam continued to expand during his twelve years of government. His main contribution for Islam was to compile and make copies of the Holy Quran, which were sent throughout the Islamic world.
Hazrat Ali (R.A), who was the cousin and the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him), was made the fourth Caliph of Islam. He is still known to this world for his bravery and his servings for Islam.
Hence, the rightly guided Caliphs of Islam are still known and respected by the Muslims of this world and have a place in their hearts for their deeds.
In the modern era, Islam has its own identity throughout the world. The believers of this religion are increasing day by day especially in Europe and America. The Muslims are willing to live in the west to modify their lives but, at the same time it is their wish not to be dominated by the customs and traditions of the west. The message of Islam to the people of every religion and nation is peace and harmony.
(Contributer: Hafsa Misbah)
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