Tuesday 19 November 2013

True Muslim

Who is A True Muslim...???

Allah Taa’la mentions in the Qur’an about a true Muslim:

“Those who believe in the unseen and are steadfast in Salaah and spend out of what we have provided for them.”


A Muslim is a person who is not only faithful to Islam but is also faithful to the humanity. He knows the meaning of being a human because Islam is a religion that gives priority to human rights. If a person is a good human, then he has all the characteristics to be called a Muslim. Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) has also mentioned about human rights in his Hadiths. Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“By his good character a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.”

For a true Muslim, the fulfillment of the rights of God and the rights of mankind are both important to complete his Imaan. A Muslim doesn’t hurt anyone through any of his deeds. He takes care of his neighbors, his parents, family and other people surrounding him. The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said,

"The best of you is he who is the best to his family."

Accordingly, be kind to them, always support them. Not only he cares about other Muslims, but he is also responsible for the rights of non-Muslims. This is the reason why Islam is said to be the most superior religion of the world.


A true Muslim does everything only for the sake of Allah and for seeking His pleasure. A person is said to be a Muslim if he believes that God is one and there is no God except Him and Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) is His last prophet. Without this, a Muslim’s Imaan is not said to be completed. He has strong faith in Allah. He believes that whatever hardships he faces in his life are a sign of Allah’s trial and this belief helps him to lead a contended life. He is always thankful to Allah for His blessings.

A true Muslim prays sincerely and never delays his prayers no matter what happens to him. He gives priority to his prayers and his God. It is important for a Muslim to pray five times a day, recite and understand what’s written in the Holy Quran after every prayer.

The prayer which is the most pleasurable to Allah is when a Muslim prays at night and the other people are asleep. That time is called “Tahajjud”.


A true Muslim stays away from sinful acts because they could become the reason for his ruin. It is said by Allah that hell is the sinner’s place. All his deeds are to earn heaven where all the righteous people will be sent on the Day of Judgment. A Muslim protects his body and his thoughts from shameful activities and thoughts. He lowers his gaze when he sees a woman passing by. He stays away from telling lies, abusing others, impressing others and other sins.


Cleanliness is very essential for a person to become a true Muslim.
The Arabic word for cleanliness is “Tahara”. Islam has given importance to it in both spiritual and physical ways. Through the verses of Holy Quran, the importance of cleanliness can be shown. Allah has said in the Holy Quran:

"Truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." (Al Baqarah 2:222)

“Wazu” in Islam is said to be a means of hygiene for Muslims which they have to do before every kind of prayers, whether it’s Namaz, reciting Quran, or fasting. It purifies a Muslim and prepares him to pray to Allah, the one who is the purest.

Through the above content, don’t judge others whether they are good Muslims or not. Instead, judge yourself, whether you are a true Muslim and are on the right path.

(Contribution By Hafsa Misbah)

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